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Ray Monde

What is smaller than matchbox but can move mountains?


It’s nothing much to look at. A few words in a column relegated to things to do to fill in lazy Friday afternoon. But for me it was a big deal, huge. Being invited to showcase my work in Goulburn Regional Art Gallery (GRAG) as part of ‘A Snapshot’ series meant so much to me. Not only did I get to share gallery space with the likes of Ben Quilty and Dadang Christianto but I also was invited to present to a small group about my art practice, what inspires me and how I got to where I am in my art.

It’s really such a small thing, something that others may scoff or scorn, but it’s important to me. It’s a stepping stone, that small bit of reassurance to keep at it, keep focusing on what drives me as an artist and to keep facing the canvases and picking up the brush and glue pot.

It’s so easy to get distracted and dispirited but when others put such faith in me, I know I can’t go back. There’s no easy way, but there is a right way. And that’s where I’m taking my next steps.


Opening doors to new opportunities, Goulburn Regional Art Gallery


My work as part of ‘A Snapshot’ at the gallery

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